Friday 3 May 2013

Water Fun and Roll On The Weekend!

I so cannot wait for the weekend; I will be able to eat whatever food I fancy as I will have completed my live below the line challenge; its not too late to donate, every penny really does make a difference.

Today has been a really lovely day, I'm starting to feel much better as I can see the end of my challenge and the sun is shinning! Ruby has spent the day at playschool whilst I caught up on some of the housework and enjoyed spending some one to one time with Lottie. I feel its really important to have one to one time with both of my daughters, so over the bank holiday I am looking forward to hubbie having Lottie whilst I spend some time with Ruby.

Ruby has really started to grow up recently, its no longer peppa pig she wants to watch, instead she is now into every thing princesses, Disney and girlie, what happened to baby Ruby? She really enjoys spending time with me baking; I think at some point this weekend we will have some fun in the kitchen.

After collecting Ruby from playschool the sun was still shinning; we decided to get the tuff tray outside and Ruby asked if we could put water in it. She played with her Toy Story figures and made up a story about how buzz was stuck in the water and needed rescuing.

After a while she wanted to get into the water and fetched her swimming costume, splashing around before getting the slide out and sliding into the water! She had so much fun and if it wasn't dinner time, I think she would have stayed out there for so much longer!

I love how much more confident Ruby is becoming with messy play and how she now decides to get into the tuff tray without any hesitation. She loves the tray so much that at most meal times she asks if she can sit in it to eat her dinner!


  1. What a fun time you've all had. Have a lovely weekend x

    1. It was great fun, hope your having a good weekend x

  2. Sounds like she really loves the Tuff Spot! Great idea having her slide into it :)

    1. She loves it, can't believe I waited this long to get one! x

  3. Tuff Spots are very versatile and it's great that they can get out in the garden now the weather has improved. Have some lovely family time this bank holiday and thanks for linking up to Country Kids.

    1. Your very welcome and thank you for the linky x

  4. It looks great fun :D x

  5. I can just imagine what would happen with her dinner if she did eat it in the tuff spot! I love the photo of her sliding down into the water.

    Nipping over from Country Kids.

    1. Thank you for your comment, she happily sits in the Tuff Spot without anything in it! x

  6. Tuff spots are great fun, think my girls would have their dinner in it too

    1. I love doing pudding in there when both of them can just dive in and eat what they want! x

  7. So nice to get some good weather for playing with water without getting cold

    1. I agree but I doubt the cold weather would stop Ruby, she loves water play! X

  8. I've never seen a tuff tray before. I want one! How much fun does that look!!!?

    1. You can get one from a DIY shop just ask for a cement mixing tray, as they are pretty much the same, I am a new convert to them and love them! Thanks for commenting x

  9. never thought of using those tuff spot as a sort of paddling pool. i need to get one!!
