Friday 17 May 2013

Peace and Quiet!

The last few days have been very busy for me and today all I wanted was some time to reflect, catch up with all the comments on my blog and relax whilst having some time with the girls. I think I was being a little bit optimistic as I didn't get any time to relax, but it is Friday so there's hope that at some point over the weekend I can recharge my batteries. Is it just me or does everyone feel they have to recharge every week, Or is it a sign that I am getting older?

I want to also apologise for not replying to all the lovely comments I have had following my posts this week; I will make contact with you all individually as soon I am able. I have been touched by the many responses that I have had and I shall be setting up a separate section on my blog for anyone who would like the opportunity to share their hyperemesis story. I am also on the lookout for guest bloggers and if anyone has an issue they want to write about then please do get in touch.

Well, back to today, hubbie left home early as he is working away from the office and because of this the girls and I were all awake and ready to face the day earlier than usual.

Our Parish Church

We had a lovely chilled out morning curled up on the sofa watching TV, but after a while we decided to head outdoors as the sun was briefly shinning. We took a walk to our local shop to stock up on some basics, followed by a short walk to the parish church. We joined the regular congregation for a cup of tea and some biscuits. This church holds a lot memories for us as a family as it was the church I was christened, confirmed and married in. Its is also the church where the girls were christened and were I was church warden. One day I might blog about my faith but at the moment I don't have the time as its a very long story!

Collecting daisies for a daisy chain!

Admiring the stream

After returning home we had a picnic style lunch in the playroom before we decided to head out into the garden. Last weekend we had bought Ruby's birthday pressie, a little tikes 8 in 1 climbing frame; we decided to give it to her early so she could enjoy it for the entire summer rather than waiting until late July. I think its safe to say its been a massive hit, there would have been no way I could have afforded it at the full retail price, so I purchased it second hand from eBay for a bargain price.

Ruby's Birthday Pressie

Down the slide

Through the tunnel

After lots of fun on the climbing frame, Ruby and I did a spot of gardening whilst Lottie looked on. Last year we grew lots of vegetables in tubs in our garden and this year we hope to do the same. I feel its a fantastic way to educate Ruby, is anyone going to be growing some veggies?

My favourite plant!


  1. Some lovely photos of your local church and of Ruby collecting daisies. I'm sure the girls will have a lovely summer enjoying themselves on the new play equipment. Thanks for linking up to Country Kids and let's hope this coming week is better for you.

    1. Yes I am hoping for lots of lovely sunshine so we can enjoy playing with the new play equipment. I am really fed up of all this cold weather! Xx

  2. What a busy day. A lovely local church to take a nice walk is great. We like picking daisies too but the wee man just pulls them apart so no chains here! I love that play set in the garden as my wee man would say look at all the colours!

    1. Aww, I think that my youngest daughter lottie would just rip them up but Ruby loves looking at them and making daisy chains. Xx

  3. That slide looks fab! Very pretty plant too.
