Wednesday 1 May 2013

Day 3 - Living Below The Line!

Well I have almost made it to the end of day 3 and I really have no idea how as I feel so tired, I constantly seem to be having a headache and think I am now at the point of snapping at people. It might be best if hubbie worked away for the next couple of days!

Firstly I want to thank everyone that has kindly donated and sponsored me, it means so much to me and will make a difference to people's lives. During my late teens I visited Africa for a month and witnessed first hand what it is really like to live in a country with so much poverty; as mother now, it really tugs on my heart strings just thinking about all the poor children; its hard to imagine as a parent, watching your children die of malnutrition, this should not be happening in 2013!!!

As a country we are so fortunate of what we actually do have; I now appreciate the £5 that I have been living off this week so much; for some people, £5 is a lot of money. I am incredibly fortunate to be have central heating and even fresh clean drinking water; the places I visited in Africa did not have these luxuries!

Today has been a hard day; for breakfast I had the same as the previous day, jam on toast; I have a feeling I am going to start to hate jam soon! I really miss by normal bowl of cereals and milk. For lunch I had noodles priced at just 11p, they really did taste so good and I think I might buy them again! I then had a banana to finish off lunch. Dinner tonight is the same as last night. I am already counting down the hours until Saturday morning as I miss having a variety of foods!

Noodles for 11p!

I am now sat here in tears as I have just reached my target! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart, if anyone who hasn't already and would like to donate, please use the following link -