Monday 1 April 2013

Monday - A Day of Firsts!

Its the first day of the month, April already??? Where is the time going???

In our house we think Monday is the first day of the week, its normally the first working day for hubbie but fortunately for me (maybe not for him), he's been off work as its a bank holiday; he hasn't had the rest and relaxation that he was expecting as he has been very busy making a start on the garden and trying to get it done in time for the warmer weather, hopefully we will get some soon!

Bottom half of the garden nearly complete just waiting for the stones.

Today was a day of firsts, Lottie has learnt to walk in her walker and enjoys grabbing everything she can get her hands on! She has also learnt how to play peek a boo and loves nothing more than giving you the biggest cheekiest grin when she takes the blanket off her face. She's even managing to say mamma and look for me when someone says mamma!

Looking back I can't really recall many of Ruby's firsts, things seem to have passed by in a bit of a blur for the first six months but thankfully I kept a record book in which I wrote down milestones; I am doing this for Lottie too. I have several memorabilia boxes for the girls in which I keep all birth, christening cards etc; I have even kept the gas and air mouth piece from Ruby's birth and requested cot cards and name tags for Lottie, even though you don't normally get them with a home birth!

One of Ruby's memorabilia boxes

I have even started a charm bracelets for the girls and try and add charms at significant stages of their lives or events such as Christmas or Easter. What are the things you have kept to pass down? or what was passed down to you?

Ruby's charm bracelet

Today was also a first as I looked after 3 children. My stepmother was rushed into hospital so I am  looking after my little brother Jack as well as my 2 girls. Jack is a massive football fan so the footie was on in the playroom, a first for Ruby to watch football, I think she quite enjoyed it as she kept shouting come on reds! I am more tired than usual but we have had a lot of fun.

Today also marks one week of blogging! If anyone can give me any advice or what you would like to see me blog about then please let me know.