Thursday 18 July 2013

A Very Important Post - Matilda Mae Sky Dive!

A very very special event is taking place this weekend; 9 women are taking part in a sky dive to raise funds for the lullaby trust. I have previously written about the lullaby trust and the amazing work they do; you can read my post here or visit their website.

You may be thinking, why I am telling you this? It's because a precious baby girl called Matilda Mae sadly passed away at just 9 months of age from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Matilda passed away shortly before I started this blog, and inspired by other bloggers, in particular Matilda's mum, I decided to write a blog as a way of recording my daughters achievements and general family life.

We need your help! If you can, then please please please consider donating some money to these incredible 9 women who are taking part in the sky dive; I know for certain it is not something I could do as I hate flying and planes!

There justgiving team page is here -

Or you could help to publicise the event, on July 19th to 21st why not tweet about the event, we will be using the hash tags #MatildaMae and #MMskydive.

There is also an on-line raffle that you can get involved in #MMraffle, and the Bliss Star Fund which is helping to support Bliss, a charity for premature babies that helps to look after affected families and to fund research to trying to save the lives of premature babies. will soon be on line, so when it is, please check it out and see what you can do to add to Matilda’s wonderful legacy.

I wish all the brave women who are taking part in the sky dive the best of luck, you are doing a wonderful thing for a wonderful cause.

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