Wednesday 19 June 2013

Chit Chat

There always seems to be something happening in our house, and life just seems to be whizzing by; its very hectic! Today my sister badly dislocated her elbow; so much of the day was spent day at the local accident and emergency.

My sisters dislocated elbow! Ouch!

I sometimes wonder how we manage to do the things we do into our daily lives, so today I am dedicating this post to a general catch up.

If you read our post recently about our grown our own vegetables, here are a few snaps of the veg starting to grow. Ruby is still the keen gardener, tending to the vegetables and watering them every night!

Rhubarb has taken really well

Just starting to see the leaves for the potatoes

Beans doing well

Cucumber still tiny

You may recall my post a week or so ago about how Ruby keeps on having allergic reactions to sun-cream, regardless of what brand, whether its hypo-allergenic or not, and how I was fighting against the system to get her an appointment for a specialist to look into this. Well I am pleased to say our latest GP appointment went better than the first and the doctor has referred us to see a specialist. We were initially told that we were likely to be waiting around 6 weeks for the referral letter, and then be put on the waiting list; however, the really good news is I have managed to get her an appointment for a week today! and no I did not have to pay privately for it. I feel so relieved that we will be getting to the bottom of this and finding out hopefully what is causing her to have these allergic reactions. It's a good job I pushed for a referral, although I still feel a bit bad that I had to push so hard for it.

Finally, to update everyone who read about my first evening away from the girls, to have an MRI scan, well the results came back and my knee is not tracking correctly and it looks as if the knee cap itself it too high. I will be having an operation called an arthroscopy and open lateral release in the hope that this will correct the problems that I have been having, and hopefully reduce the pain too. I really am not looking forward to being on crutches and looking after the girls at the same time; its going to be really tough but needs must. I have also made the decision that I want to be awake and have a spinal for the operation, I have been told by several people I am mad, but to be honest I want to see all that is happening and it should mean I spend less time in hospital too!


  1. شركة نقل اثاث من الرياض الى الاردن شركة نقل اثاث من الرياض الى الاردن
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