Thursday 5 September 2013

Ruby is Handling it Better than Me!

This week seems to be absolutely flying by, how can it possibly be Thursday already? The weekend will soon be upon us.. Yay! Ruby has been at school for half days this week and she has thoroughly enjoyed putting on her uniform and has no problems going to school at all; yesterday for example, she ran straight into the playground and if I had not had shouted "Ruby where is mummy's kiss" I don't think she would have even looked back!

In a previous post I talked about the dilemma surrounding Ruby's homework, well I have spoken to Ruby's teacher, and explained that I had tried to get Ruby to draw a house, but I did not feel comfortable in pushing her too far in case it threw out of the window all her positive feelings about starting school; her teacher agreed with me that there was no need to push her into doing something she very clearly was getting upset over, this gave me a huge sense of relief but its also made me feel like a rubbish parent as I've not been able to get my daughter to do her first piece of homework. I suspect that the reason Ruby is not interested in drawing is because she finds it boring compared to other things she could be doing with her time, she has no problem being outside and using chalks to draw things that she wants to draw, I think she is also a little stubborn too, I wonder where she gets that from?

Whilst Ruby has been on half days at school, the house has been very quiet and I am sure Lottie has felt a bit off with not having her sister around to play with, as she has been a little madam at times. Even though Ruby has only been having half days at school, she is coming back home very, very tired and I am a little concerned at what she is going to be like next week when she is in for a full week. How do you manage your little ones when they are so tired from school; I could really do with some tips? I am making sure that she is having dinner early and going to bed at 7pm; she is sleeping for nearly 12 hours, but what else can I do?

The weather was absolutely beautiful when Ruby finished school yesterday, the sun was shinning and it was so warm that I put a pair of shorts on. Ruby and I had a fantastic time playing with the barbies in the garden, I'm going to miss being able to play all day every day with her; what has happened to my once little girl? She's grown up way too quickly.


  1. Aww sounds like she's settling in really well!!

    Glad you have the homework situation sort of sorted...Don't feel bad!!

    It took my youngest about 6 months to get used to doing full days...She was always so tired! I did used to let her have an 45 mins or an hours nap when we got home but sometimes she'd wake up in the most horrible mood...But at least she wasn't so tired. x

    1. Thank for the tip about letting her nap for a short while, I might try that to see if it makes a difference xx

  2. Homework is a pain! I am always struggling to get my son to do it so don't feel bad about that. I think they are tired at the day. Glad your girl seems happy at school.

    1. I am glad to hear its just not me struggling with the homework xx
