Tuesday 29 October 2013

Review: Braun ThermoScan 5 Ear Thermometer

A couple of weeks ago we were kindly asked by Braun, if we would be happy to review their newest ear thermometer, and as I have been thinking about buying one for a long time, I immediately said yes. We have been very fortunate that the girls are not normally ill or unwell, but I still like to be prepared; I keep in stock paracetamol, ibuprofen, various creams and plasters etc, but one thing missing in our medical cupboard was a decent thermometer to check the girls temperature. I'm sure if you ask any parent, checking their babies temperature is the first thing we do when they are unwell.

We have tried various thermometers over the years, ones that can go under the tongue to ones that go on the forehead, but we have not had much success with them as they either break easily, or don't give a very accurate and repeatable reading. I have always wanted to buy a thermometer like the one I am reviewing, but I have held back purely due to the cost.

When I agreed to do this review, I wasn't sure as to how long we would have the thermometer before we had cause to use it, but if you have been reading my blog recently you will know that our half term did not go to plan, and late last Sunday evening we had to rush Lottie into hospital as she was having some breathing difficulties; it was later discovered that she had a very bad case of croup and this was causing her to have a fever. We were discharged from hospital and Lottie was on steroids; we were advised to keep a very close eye on her temperature. Fortunately for us, we were woken up the following morning by our postman, who delivered our new thermometer; this could not have arrived at a better time!

The Braun ThermoScan 5 Ear Thermometer retails at around £40 - £45, which I thought was a lot money when I found out, particularly as you can pick up a basic thermometer for a fraction of the price. After using it though, I definately think its worth every penny and would really recommend every parent to go and buy one.
Braun say: "The ear is an excellent site to measure temperature. Braun ThermoScan measures the infrared heat generated by the eardrum and the surrounding tissues. The eardrum shares blood supply with the temperature control center in the brain. Therefore temperature changes are reflected more quickly and accurately than at other sites."
I found it very easy to use and was pleasantly surprised how quickly it gave a reading; this is particularly helpful as Lottie wriggles around when trying to take her temperature, so using a more basic thermometer is virtually impossible. The thermometer comes with a plastic protective housing, complete with a compartment to store all of the spare Lens Filters (protective cover around the ear piece). The thermometer comes with 21 lens filters and two AA batteries to get you started.

The only downside (other than the initial cost), is that you really need to purchase a number of spare disposable Lens Filters, which adds additional cost.

This has greatly helped to offer me the reassurance that I have needed this last week, and I wish I had bought one sooner. I would not hesitate to recommend this product.

If you are interested in purchasing one, Amazon have a great deal on at the moment which covers both the thermometer and spare lens filters. You can also find further information on the Braun Thermometers website - www.braunthermometers.co.uk

Ruby + Lottie Rating: 9.5/10

Disclaimer: I was kindly given the thermometer to try at no cost, however all opinions and thoughts are my own.