Tuesday 26 March 2013


Ruby loves bubbles and even more so since she has started to learn to swim, she loves blowing bubbles under the water! So today we decided to make bubble paintings!

They are so easy to do all you need is some paint, water, washing up liquid, a straw, some paper and a couple of mugs or bowls. All you do is mix the paint, water and washing up liquid and use a straw to blow bubbles.

Ruby loved mixing all the bits together and her face was a picture when she saw how big the bubbles grew and grew. Even Lottie enjoyed watching too!

I think Ruby must have thought at one point she was having a drink as she ended up with paint around her mouth!

And here are the end products -

After lunch we were going to go outside to blow bubbles but its too cold so we stayed indoors and blew bubbles. Lottie was not too sure what to make of the bubbles but Ruby on the other hand loved following and catching them.


  1. Looks like you guys are having a great time!
