Tuesday 4 February 2014

Why did the chicken cross the road?

So where do I start... with a joke of course.

Why did the chicken cross the road? Well the answer is easy, because he wanted to get to school! 

OK, it's not funny is it? Well today has been a really random and slightly mad day. It all started a couple of weeks ago when Ruby was set some homework to bring in an object that started with the letters 'ch'. We spent some considerable time thinking what we could take into school for her to show and tell to her class. Normal things to take in would have been a toy chimpanzee, chocolate, cheese, but no Ruby enthusiastically replied "I know... I can take Betty the chicken"!

We are very blessed that my mum has a small holding, you may have seen some of the outdoor fun we've had whilst we've been at her house. Betty the chicken lives with a group of about 8 other chickens at nanas house, Betty is by far the smallest of the lot and is very gentle and loving. 

I was a bit nervous about taking a real life chicken into school, I wasn't even sure if the teachers would say yes, but they agreed that it would be such a different learning experience to see a real life chicken. Now the practicalities, how do I get a chicken to school, how do I catch her? Yesterday I was really doubting if this was doable, thankfully Grandad was on hand and decided the best way to transport Betty to school was in a plastic box with wire over the top so the children could see her but she would also be contained and not able to escape. 

As I arrived into the classroom all the children were sat on the floor with Ruby standing next to her teacher, I could hear all the children getting excited and some didn't believe there was a real chicken in the box. Ruby talked about Betty and explained that she liked to eat corn and she lived with some other chickens at her nanas house, it was a very proud moment for me and I can already see teacher like qualities beginning to show in her, I wonder if she will be a teacher when she grows up, she's already told me she'd like to be.

After Ruby's talk, her class took it in turns to stroke Betty and look at the eggs we had collected the night before. Betty behaved fantastically and I'm pleased to say all the children had a lovely time.

Next weeks sound is 'ai' so shall we take in a snail! I'm sure that would be easier than this weeks!


  1. What a great experience for the children in her class - and for her in talking about Betty! We are very fortunate to have six chickens, and they are such wonderful characters - ours frequently do cross the road, mostly in search of interesting delicacies like frogs.

  2. Just wanted to thank you for bringing Betty and Lottie into pre-school on Tuesday. The children loved stroking Betty and watching her look after her egg. I personally enjoyed seeing Lottie again and was amazed to see how well she interacted in the setting. Can't wait for her to start, she looks full of character...I know we'll have some fun!
