Tuesday 10 June 2014

Grow Your Own - Meet the Veggies!

This year we have decided to grow our own veg, I'm a bit apprehensive as to how it might turn out but I hope it proves to be an enjoyable and educational project for us all but in particular for Ruby as she will learn where her food actually comes from.

In preparation for our grow your own project we bought some containers on-line  it worked out cheaper than buying them from any of my local shops and garden centres, and also meant that I didn't have to worry about fitting them in the car.

It seems that I may have gone a bit overboard, as I have had to put some of the containers in Ruby's play area of the garden! I also underestimated the amount of compost needed to fill all the containers, and had to go back for a few more bags; well at least now they are filled they are ready to go for next year. 

I took Ruby with me to pick some seeds, she was incredibly excited and we have ended up with a wide array of vegetables to grow. 

This year we are having a go at growing our own:
  • Tomatoes
  • Sweetcorn
  • New potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Rhubarb
  • Strawberries
  • Spring onions
  • French beans
  • Runner beans
  • Salad
  • Basil

All of the above is being grown in big containers so it's going to be interesting to see how it all goes.

Ruby helped me to fill the containers with compost and then helped to plant the seeds before giving them a good watering.

Ruby goes out into the garden most days and is excited to see if anything has grown, so watch this space and see how we get on with our grow your own veg.


  1. Good luck! As you say it's great for the children to see how their food grows and it also encourages them to try new things too. Home grown - the best. Thanks for linking up and sharing and I'll look forward to seeing how things grow.

  2. Awww we were just growing some sunflower that we started planting few days ago! We are so excited! Like you we cant wait to see our flowers grow! #CountryKids
