Tuesday 14 October 2014

Review: Braun 'No Touch + Forehead' Thermometer

For the last couple of weeks life has been some what quiet, this is mainly due to the fact that we have all picked up some form of illness. Ruby bounced back from a bug that she picked up from school, but Lottie is very different; I had to resort to taking her to the doctors where she was diagnosed as being on the brink of tonsillitis; if that was not bad enough, she also stubbed her toe on a door which ended up becoming infected.

Prior to Ruby and Lottie being poorly, I was approached to review the latest Braun thermometer and after reading all the press information I decided it would be a good opportunity to try it out. The latest Braun NTF 3000 "No touch + forehead" is very different to any other thermometer I have ever seen before. 

What impressed me the most with the thermometer is that you can take an accurate temperature without having to place the thermometer into your child's ear, which can be a battle as Lottie absolutely hates having anything put into her ear! You can take a reading simply by placing the thermometer onto  or near your child's head.

This really suited Lottie and Ruby as they liked looking at the traffic light readout; we didn't have any tears or battles over trying to take their temperature. We were even able to take the girls temperatures whilst they were asleep without waking them up! Oh and I forgot to mention the thermometer is able to record a temperature in 2 seconds!

After the temperature is taken, it is digitally displayed on the screen with the relevant background colour, red means the child has a fever, Amber means keep an eye on the child and green means all is OK.

The thermometer retails at £52.99, and can be purchased from places such as boots and Asda. I believe that the price is really good value, I think it's definitely an essential piece of equipment that every parent should own.

You can also find further information on the Braun Thermometers website - www.braunthermometers.co.uk

Ruby + Lottie Rating: 9.5/10

Disclaimer: I was kindly given the thermometer to try at no cost, however all opinions and thoughts are my own.


  1. What a fantastic thermometer! Ruby was recently poorly and had a temp and it became raised very quickly, it was quite scary! I hand one of the thermometers that can be placed under her tongue or armpit and takes a good while to get the reading, not ideal when she was asleep so we both had a disrupted night. One of these would have been excellent! Hope Lottie is feeling much better now, this is definitely the season to invest in one of these x

    1. It really is an amazing thermometer and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to every parent. It really does take the stress out of trying to take a child's temperature with an in ear or mouth thermometer. Lottie is feeling much better thank you, I hope your Ruby is well. X

    2. I think anything that takes a lot of the worry away when your child is unwell is worth its weight in gold. Ruby's is well, luckily it was just a 24hour bug and she was her usually whirlwind self the following day lol!. X

  2. That looks really good, I might have to consider investing in one.

  3. Non-contact forehead thermometers like this one is definitely a must have. I believe that they are much easier to use than anything else. They also give reading quickly and so accurate. I also love the fact that they are non-invasive and so handy, even small children can use them when they are not feeling well.


  4. Non contact thermometer is the best and accurate way to check child temperature without the battle of getting them to stay still.
