Wednesday 14 May 2014

Coombe Mill - Part 2

If you have not already read Part 1 of our Coombe Mill holiday, it can be found here.

When we set off for Cornwall, we hadn't really considered what we would do and where we would visit when we got down there; we decided to play it by ear - this is very unusual for me as I like to be organised and prepared. Fiona from Coombe Mill was very helpful and had lots of suggestions with hints and tips that guaranteed us some great days out.

We decided that if the weather was good we would go to the beach. Fiona recommended that we try the beach at Polzeath, which is situated on the North Cornwall coast and is approximately 30 minutes drive from Coombe Mill.

At the first glimpse of a sunny day, we borrowed some of Coombe Mill's buckets and spades, threw our wellies in the car and headed for the coast.

Polzeath is a fantastic beach; it is clean, safe and full of wonderful things to explore. It also claims to be Cornwall's No.1 surfing destination.

When we pulled up in the nearby car park, the girls could not wait to get out on the sand. We headed straight for the water so that the children could do some paddling. Lottie couldn't resist jumping in every patch of water that we encountered along the way. It wasn't long before the girl's wellies were full of water!

After playing in the sea, we explored the many rock pools and caves that lined the stunning beach, before stopping off at an ice cream van that had pulled up on the sand.

We then heading back to Coombe Mill for the 5pm train ride.

Coombe Mill has a model ride on railway that runs once a day. It is really nice, as after everyone has had a busy day doing their own things, all of the guests get together for the children to take a fun trip on the train and play on the adjacent play area.

Ruby enjoyed every trip that she took on the train, and even I had a go on it - of course just so Lottie could have a go :-)

Anyway, more on the train and our other trips soon.


  1. So pleased you enjoyed Polzeath, you have some lovely pictures of the girls engrossed in their play and as you say with sandcastle sand, surf and rock pools it has a lot to offer We are there every Tuesday at the moment for the kids surf club lessons, it is one of my favourite times of the week as I still feel like I am on holiday while I am there. Your last photo back at Combe Mill with Lottie on the train is adorable, you both look so relaxed and happy.

  2. You have captured some beautiful sister moments. Really lovely. Wellies never go high enough up legs, do they! Beaches are so much fun and Polzeath is a favourite of ours. Lots of lovely beaches around Cornwall and Devon. #CountryKids

  3. Ooh ooh on Polzeath is on my list to visit - with knee high wellies. Looks like you had a fabulous time.

  4. Oh, it looks so beautiful! Lovely photos of the girls. Only a tiny bit jealous of your trip to Coombemill :) #CountryKids

  5. Polzeath beach looks wonderful. Very jeayalous of you at the beach. Im still trying to persuade the OH to come on a family holiday especially as N is now saying he really wants to go

  6. Cornwall beaches are so lovely. Looks like you had a great time!

  7. Nice photos of your kids. They look really close and is enjoying the beach =) #countrykids

  8. We've enjoyed polzeath beach on holidays to to cornwall, it's lovely #countrykids

  9. sometimes you do wonder why you just dont let them paddle half naked and bare footed as they end up soaking wet anyway. Love the ice-cream pictures. Coombe Mill sounds like lots of fun for families. Looks like a fab day out
