Tuesday 21 January 2014

My Baby is Growing Up!

Just over 18 months ago I gave birth to Lottie; it's hard to believe where the time has gone and I am left wondering where has my little baby gone? I seem to have blinked or time has been on fast forward; I don't recall Ruby growing up so quickly but maybe that's because my pace of life was slower and I only had her to look after. Since I've had Lottie, I've had to split my time between the two girls and have the daily weekday chore of the school run; am I the only parent that really doesn't like the hustle and bustle of weekday mornings and afternoons?

Little Miss Cool!

Well back to Lottie, after months and months of waiting she's now smiling with lots of teeth, her hair is growing a lot slower than Ruby's and at times she's mistaken for a boy! 

Her favourite words are hiya, yes and no and she's recently learnt to say thank you - that came out of the blue. Out of habit when I've given Ruby and Lottie something I've said "what do you say..." and much to my surprise and delight Lottie actually replied "thank you", it was one of those moments that really melted my heart. 

We moved Lottie into her bedroom, which she shares with Ruby, after her 1st birthday; we could have kept her in with us for longer as we have the room, but we felt it was important that both she and Ruby get used to sharing as we only have a two bedroom house. Ruby has always been asking when Lottie could move in, I was a bit anxious at first in case they kept one another up and then we would all have a poor nights sleep, but so far it's worked really well. They both share the same bedtime and listen to either nursery rhythms or a story before they fall asleep.

Lottie is now gaining in confidence with her walking and wants to be independent which isn't always easy when I need her to stay near me, during the school run she is particularly challenging in this respect. Her independence doesn't stop there as she tells me when she wants to go outside by bringing me her coat and shoes. I think she's going to cost her daddy a lot of money as she adores shoes and loves trying Ruby's on.

Stubborn and strong willed also come to mind when thinking about Lottie, she knows what she wants and when she wants it, she has very little patience. My husband would say she's like me, but of course I can't pay comment on that! :) She's very selective over what she eats, she has to feed herself and if you try and hide peas or sweet corn in sauces, she will put them into her mouth and pull them straight back out.

Proud to be Sisters

I'm incredibly proud of both my girls and how they are growing up to be such a huge credit to my hubbie and I; I never in a million years thought I would have two wonderful girls who mean the absolute world to me. My only one ask of them is to please slow down and don't grow so quickly as I'm left wondering where have my babies gone to - they are so grown up? 


  1. They do grow up so fast!!
    Both your girls are absolutely adorable!!

  2. Hiya, just came across from the Birmums linky and enjoyed reading about your delight in your girls. Aren't they lovely! Also interested to hear of your project to raise awareness of hyperemesis - you're succeeding - I hadn't heard of it till now! I wanted a home birth but let the professionals dissuade me (older mum was the excuse) but as a result I had my second on the back seat of the car on the way to the hospital and have regretted that she was born in such a stressful atmosphere! So I'm hoping more midwives with your approach will stop that happening! And they do grow quick so enjoy every moment, mine are twenty plus now and I write about mumhood and education. http://rossmountney.wordpress.com Nice to connect - do get in touch if you'd like to know more.
