
Lottie's Home Birth

I was due on the 31st of July which also happened to be my other daughters birthday; I was hoping and wishing that Lottie would arrive early or late. Ruby was 2 weeks early so I was hopeful that her sister would do the same!

I'd been told my iron levels were low; I did my own research and determined that they were not deemed to be lower than official NICE guidelines; I challenged my midwife and told her I still wanted a homebirth; she backed down and agreed.

For my 30 week midwife appointment I had seen the midwife who delivered Ruby and she was really lovely and said she would be at Lottie's birth if I wanted her; of course I said yes please as she helped me so much with Ruby's birth and made me feel so empowered and at ease. I had decided to try for a homebirth as I didn't want Ruby to be pushed out; I wanted her included and I didn't want to be in hospital away from her. 

Thursday 5th July 

I attended my 36 week midwife appointment and we filled out all the necessary paperwork for the home birth. We joked about how I must not go into labour until Tuesday or I would have to go to hospital. On Sunday 8th July I went to church as I usually do and everyone was commenting that bump looked very low and to keep my legs crossed if I wanted a homebirth! My godmother informed me that I had to hang on until at least Friday as she had arranged a surprise baby shower for me on the Thursday evening. 

Tuesday 10th July 

I was informed by hubbie that today was the only day I couldn't go into labour as he was a 4 hour drive away. We were in the process of having a playroom built for the girls and the builder left at 6pm; I joked that now the brickwork was all done I was feeling calm and it might cause me to go into labour. At 7pm we had just finished eating our dinner and I stood up to put the plates into the dishwasher and then pop, my waters went all over the kitchen floor! I grabbed a towel and got hubbie to get Ruby into bed. After Ruby was settled we rang the midwifes to inform them my waters had gone but I couldn't feel any contractions; they wanted to come out to check my waters had gone, I assured them they definitely had but they still came out. 

When they arrived they felt my belly and to my surprise i was actually contracting! They didn't do an examination as I was quite happy just walking around the house and bouncing on the ball whilst drinking tea, I wanted to go for a walk at 10pm but was told no it was not a sensible idea!

Just after 10pm there was a shift change and 2 new midwifes arrived, one of whom barged into the bedroom and grabbed my arm to take my blood pressure; I told her in a not very polite way to go away, I think I must have scared her as she sat on the landing for the rest of the time! 

At this time the midwife who delivered Ruby came over, she wasn't on duty and was just about to get into bed, her supervisor had said she technically couldn't be there as a midwife but off her own back she was going to be my birth partner. After examination, I was 6cm at 11pm, I was very shocked as I was still not in pain; the midwife swept my membranes to try and get things going a bit quicker, by midnight I could feel contractions and I actually liked walking up and down the stairs and leaning over the bannister! 

At midnight I was starting to feel contractions but managing to breathe through them, I then wanted to lay down at around 1am and I was examined again and I was fully dilated! I was still feeling very chilled and never once shouted during any point of my labour; I felt so in control. I then requested gas and air! I took one breath of it before saying to the midwife rather loudly and glaring at her "what are you doing to me"? "I'm not doing anything" she replied "your baby is wriggling her way out"! I don't even remember pushing as my body just naturally did what it needed to do'. Lottie was born at 1.05am with just 5 minutes of gas and air! 

I was so shocked she had arrived and that I had her at home. She was handed over to me and I cut her cord and instantly fell in love with her, I had been scared I wouldn't as it took a lot of time to bond with Ruby. I was checked over down there and I had a tiny graze but nothing to worry about. The midwife whom I had previously shouted at ran me the most amazing hot bath and I got back into bed at 3am when all the midwifes left. 

At 7am Ruby woke to find her sister and by 7.30am I was putting the washing on and having a family breakfast! We face timed my parents and in laws; they were all shocked as Lottie was 3 weeks early and oh, I forgot to mention she weighed in at 8lb 1oz! At 12 hours old I walked to the park with both the girls and a couple of elderly ladies saw Lottie and crossed her palms with silver as its supposed to bring good luck! The following day I had my baby shower with Lottie being present! 

I still look back and can't believe I achieved a homebirth, its very surreal looking at her birth certificate.


  1. what a beautiful story x

  2. wow what an amazing story and so beautiful that you had your baby at home when your other daughter woke up!

    Thanks for linking up with #magicmoments x

  3. What a beautiful story!! It's amazing how our bodies know just what to do!! Xx

  4. Wow, what a lovely birth story. Sounds like it went so well. Gorgeous name too!

  5. Wow, what a lovely birth story!

  6. This is such a great story, I was amazed at how great the body is second time round as it just gets on with it. Thanks for sharing :-)

  7. That's a lovely story, I'm glad it went so well for you.
